UTRF Action - Unscreened Transfer (2)

Use this action to allow an Automated Attendant caller to place an Unscreened Transfer to an extension. This is similar to telephone system unscreened transfers in which the transferring party immediately extends the call. After an Automated Attendant caller dials an extension, IntraMail transfers the call to the destination and hangs up. Any recalls or additional routing are handled by the telephone system - just as with any other unscreened transfer.

Go back to 4231-xx: Digit 01-13 Action [Voice Mail: Dial Actions: Dial Action Table: Dial Assignment (4231): Action].


Normally, the corresponding Routing option should be XXX. Note that the key you choose for this action is the first digit of the called extension number.
  • For example, to allow callers to place Unscreened Transfers to extensions 300-399, for key 3 enter UTRF for the Action and XXX for the corresponding Routing.
To have Unscreened Transfer call a specific extension, the corresponding Routing option should be that extension’s number. The caller then dials that single digit to reach the extension.
  • For example, to have caller’s dial 8 to reach extension 303, for key 8 enter UTRF for the Action and 303 for the corresponding Routing.

Features Related to this Program

Telephone Features
IntraMail Features

Options for Action

Options for Routing

Default Setting