Dials up to five telephone numbers to let the recipient know that new messages have arrived.
If an extension user receives a new message in their mailbox, Cascading Message Notification will call them at up to five preset destinations to let them know a new voice mail message has arrived. A destination can be an outside number (such as a cell phone, pager, or home office) or a co-worker's extension.
How Notification Cascades
[3.00.30] Version 3.00.30 corrects a problem in 3.00.29 in which all notification digits were not dialed into the pager service.
Reference: A090511005
[3.00.30] The 4202-06: Number of Callout Attempts default value is changed from 5 to 99. In addition, this option sets the maximum number of notification attempts per entry. For example, if this value is 10, the user entry for Busy Attempts or RNA Attempts cannot be greater than 10.
Reference: None
[3.09] This software version corrects an issue in version 3.05 which caused a pager notification to immediately restart another callout if the pager service didn't answer.
Reference: A090924002
[3.00.30] A pager notification is considered acknowledged when the subscriber logs onto their mailbox. In prior versions, a pager notification was considered acknowledged when the pager service answered.
If a pager notification is unanswered by the pager service, IntraMail will wait the programmed interval and then retry the service. If still unanswered after the RNA Attempts setting is reached, notification will cascade to the next entry.
Reference: None