The Hunt Groups Report displays statistics for individual Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) and Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) hunt groups for a selected day or all days combined. You can also view the detailed information related to the specific hunt group (see Viewing Hunt Group Details for details).
All calls made to a hunt group are divided in different categories based on how the received call is handled. Hunt group call statistics have the different call types as described below:
You can apply the following equation for each hunt group record:
Received calls = Answered calls + Recalled calls + Redirected calls + Abandoned calls
Hunt group call statistics have an associated average response time for answered, recalled, redirected, and abandoned calls as described below.
In the navigation area, select Reporting – Hunt groups.
Do one of the following:
o Double-click a row in the Report Data grid.
o Right-click a row in the Report Data grid, and then select View hunt group details.