Reporting Tab

The Embedded (built-in) Reporting feature allows the 5000 CP to collect statistical information and store it persistently across system shutdowns, resets, and software upgrades/downgrades.

System Administration & Diagnostics retrieves the information from the 5000 CP and displays it using charts and data grids. This allows you to easily view and understand the data. System Administration & Diagnostics displays the hourly and daily information for the past seven days. System Administration & Diagnostics may present the collected statistical data in an hourly, daily, or monthly format.

The following table shows how the data for each report is presented.

Table: Data Presentation Format

Statistical Data




Call distribution1


Configured devices2



PSTN call records1


Hunt group statistics1


Voice mail summary (UVM Only)3



Mailbox statistics (UVM Only)3




1. Call distribution, PSTN, and Hunt groups reports display data up to the start of the current hour (information within the current hour is not included).

Configured devices display current data.

2. Voice mail and Mailbox reports do not display the current day data.


To view Embedded Reporting:

See Viewing Embedded Reporting.