The following information summarizes the troubleshooting strategies recommended for resolving scheduled backups discrepancies.
Scheduled Backup E-mail notification was not received when expected.
Possible Cause: E-mail Notification is not enabled.
Corrective Action: Make sure the Notification Enabled check box is selected (see Notification Tab).
Also check to see if the Notify only when Scheduled Backups fail to complete check box is selected. When selected, you receive an e-mail notification only when backups fail.
Possible Cause: Notification parameters are not properly programmed.
Corrective Action: Type the correct server and address (see Notification Tab).
Click the Send Test Message button to send a test message, and verify success status is returned and that the e-mail message is received. If the test fails, take corrective action (see below).
Possible Cause: There is a problem with the e-mail server at either end. (Determine this by trying to send e-mail manually from the DB Programming computer to the programmed server and address.)
Corrective Action: Troubleshoot internet connection and e-mail server at both ends.
Contact Technical Support if needed.
Possible Cause: The DB Programming computer was powered down.
Corrective Action: Make sure the DB Programming computer is always powered up whenever backups are scheduled.
No Scheduled Backup event was posted in the Windows Event Log when expected.
Possible Cause: The DB Programming computer was powered down.
Corrective Action: Make sure the DB Programming computer is always powered up whenever backups are scheduled.
Possible Cause: A component needed for event logging is missing.
Corrective Action: Reinstall DB Programming.
Backups keep failing because they run too slow or long.
Possible Cause: There are too many simultaneous sessions allowed, and too many are running at once.
The interaction is too slow, or because they simply take too long due to decreased bandwidth per session.
Corrective Action: Reduce the number of Simultaneous sessions allowed. see Advanced tab in the Options menu.
Backups keep failing because they run too slow or long.
Possible Cause 1: There are too many simultaneous sessions allowed, and too many are running at once.
Possible Cause 2: The interaction is taking too long due to decreased bandwidth per session.
Corrective Action: Reduce the number of Simultaneous sessions allowed (see Advanced tab in the Options menu).
Possible Cause: The Time before Retry value programmed is too short.
Corrective Action:
Backup files are not found where expected.
Possible Cause: The Save system database to folder box is not programmed correctly.
Corrective Action: Type the correct path (see Location Tab).
Possible Cause: Scheduled Backups programming is not configured correctly.
Corrective Action: Verify that the backup took place by checking e-mail notification, the Windows Event Log, and the Service Log (see Scheduled Backup Diagnostic Logs).
If the backup did not take place, verify that the backups are scheduled correctly (see Scheduling Tab).
Possible Cause: The programmed Username does not have permission to write to the programmed location.
Corrective Action: Verify that the Username programmed, has access to the backup save location (see Authorization Tab). If not, give the Username access or program a different Username to be used that does have access.
See Warnings and Error Failure Reasons for various reasons for failures.
Related Topics:
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting