LOGON Action - Log Onto Voice Mail (5)

Use this key action to allow an Automated Attendant caller to log onto voice mail. Depending on programming (see Routing below), the caller is logged directly into a Subscriber Mailbox or is prompted to enter a Subscriber Mailbox of their own choosing. You cannot use the LOGON option with Call Routing and Announcement Mailboxes.

Go back to 4231-xx: Digit 01-13 Action [Voice Mail: Dial Actions: Dial Action Table: Dial Assignment (4231): Action].


To log directly into a specific Subscriber Mailbox, enter the mailbox number in the corresponding Routing option.
  • For example, to have key 4 log directly into Subscriber Mailbox 305, for key 4 enter LOGON for the Action and 305 for the corresponding Routing.
To have IntraMail request Automated Attendant callers to select a Subscriber Mailbox to log into, enter N in the corresponding Routing option. The key you choose must represent the first digit in the Subscriber Mailbox numbers.
  • For example, to have the Automated Attendant request callers to enter the number of the Subscriber Mailbox into which they wish to log, for key 3 enter LOGON for the Action and N for the corresponding Routing. When callers dial 3, they hear, “Please enter your mailbox number.”
To have IntraMail require Automated Attendant callers to enter a Subscriber Mailbox to log into (without playing an announcement), enter XXX in the corresponding Routing option. The key you choose must represent the first digit in the Subscriber Mailbox numbers.
  • For example, to allow callers to log onto mailboxes 300-399, for key 3 enter LOGON for the Action and XXX for the corresponding Routing.
To log into any valid Subscriber Mailbox, enter IXXX in the corresponding Routing option.
  • For example, to allow callers to dial 1 plus any Subscriber Mailbox number to log on, for key 1 enter LOGON for the Action and IXXX for the corresponding Routing.

Features Related to this Program

Telephone Features
IntraMail Features

Options for Action

Options for Routing

Default Setting