Programming Off-Hook Signaling

Additional Feature Information
Off-Hook Signaling
Voice Over

Setting Up Off-Hook Signaling

Set the Off-Hook Signaling options.

  1. 2116-01: Off Hook Signaling for Incoming Calls Stations: Config: Options: Off Hook Signal (2116): OHS Intercom]
    Use this option to set the extension's Off-Hook Signaling for waiting Intercom calls.
    Option Description
    0 Disabled - no Off-Hook Signaling.
    1 [Default] Camp-On.
    2 Voice Over.
  2. 2116-02: Off Hook Signaling for Calls from Hotline Partner Stations: Config: Options: Off Hook Signal (2116): OHS Hotline]
    Use this option to set the extension's Off-Hook Signaling for calls from their Hotline partner.
    Option Description
    0 [Default] Disabled - no Off-Hook Signaling.
    1 Camp-On (Hotline call from partner will send Camp-On tones).
    2 Voice Over (Hotline call from partner will initiate Voice Over).
  3. 2116-03: Off Hook Signaling for Incoming Outside Calls Stations: Config: Options: Off Hook Signal (2116): OHS Lines]
    Use this option to set the extension's Off-Hook Signaling for waiting outside calls.
    Option Description
    0 Disabled - no Off-Hook Signaling.
    1 Call Wait beeps over the telephone speaker.
    2 [Default] Off-hook ringing.