Report from other connection

If other connections exist, the Report from other connection option appears, allowing for selection of another connection for the report source.

To generate a report from other connection:

  1. In the Database Reporting window, click Change source, and then select Report from other connection. The list of connections appears with the active connection and all pre-5.0 systems excluded. The list is presented in alphabetical order, by connection name. For each connection, options are presented identical to those for the active connection as described in the previous section.

 NOTE: Connections will not be included in this list if there are no options to offer.  For example, if the connection has Remote Configuration only programmed and there are no previously saved backups for the connection, the connection will not be listed. The Get new backup option will not be available if the connection is Modem only or Remote Configuration only. Those connections can only be completed for the active connection.


  1. Select the backup file for a connection. The report content is automatically refreshed.

When the report source is a connection backup, the text in the Report Source area of the Database Reporting window shows the name of the connection and the date and time of the backup.

To get a new backup:

Select a connection, and then select Get new backup. The backup begins, and status is shown in the Report Source area, just as it is on the Database reporting tab.

To configure backups:

  1. Select a connection, and then select Configure backups. The Edit System Connection window appears, focused on the Backups tab.

  2. Change the backup location, backup content, backup scheduling, or any other backup configuration fields.

  3. Click Save connection to close the window. The report content is not affected by this operation until the next scheduled or test backup completes.




Related Topics:

Database Reporting

Generating Reports from Other Sources