List View

The Networking Information content control provides a detailed view that includes a list of all node connections for each node in the system network.

To view networking information in a list view:

  1. In the navigation area, select System Information – Networking Information.

  2. Click list_view.gif (switch to list view).

The following figure shows an example of the  Networking Information content control in a list view.

Figure: Networking Information Content Control - List View


The list view shows a list of all node connections. Each node entry includes a status icon, a node name, description, and version information. The node entry background color and symbol represents the node status:

If the system is a single node system, the node lists do not appear. When you select a node entry in the list view, the selected node’s detail information appears in the detail view as described below:

To collapse or expand the pane:

Click the header area in the pane.




Related Topics:

Network Information

Setup Network Layout Window