Type the following information:
Proxy server IP address/hostname: Type the IP address or hostname of the Proxy Server. It must match the IP address or hostname programmed in DB Programming for the node. Because the IP address can change, Mitel recommends that you use the hostname. For example, if the server is moved to a new location, the IP address may change, but it will still be assigned to the original hostname.
Proxy server IP port: Type the IP port used for connecting to the Proxy Server. The valid range is 1-65535; the default value is 1194. This field appears only when the Show IP ports option is enabled in the Advanced tab in the Options menu.
License key ID: Type the 5000 CP node license key ID, which identifies the system (up to 14 digits or characters). To find the license ID key, dial 347 on any phone on the 5000 CP in which you are connecting. See Enabling an On-Demand Remote Connection from a phone.
PIN: Type the PIN to be used when connecting to the 5000 node (up to 4 digits).
Proxy server username: Type the username for logging into the Proxy Server.
Proxy server password: Type the password for logging into the Proxy Server.
System Administration & Diagnostics then registers with the Remote Proxy Server. This may take a few minutes. A progress message displays while the connection is established.
If you receive an error message indicating that the connection to the Remote Proxy Server failed because a socket error occurred, contact a Customer Care representative for assistance.