3801-xx: Type = Date (3) [Lines: Schedules: Schedule (3801): Edit Entry: Schedule: Type]

A Date schedule runs at a specified time on a certain date (e.g., 12/25). When setting up a Date schedule:
  • Select the date the schedule should run (e.g., 12/25).
  • Specify the time of day the schedule should be active.

Features Related to this Program

Telephone Features
IntraMail Features

Program Options

Option Description
Date Enter the date the schedule should be active in MM/DD format. [Default] = 01/01 (January 1).
Start Time Enter the schedule start time in military time (00:00 through 23:59). [Default] = 00:00 (Midnight).
Stop Time Enter the schedule end time in military time (00:00 through 23:59). [Default] = 00:00 (Midnight).