Programming System Speed Dial

Additional Feature Information
Speed Dial
Programming for this Feature
Programming Personal Speed Dial
Programming Speed Dial Feature Keys
Programming Other Speed Dial Options
Name Programming Chart

Setting up numbers and Entering Numbers

1. Set the number of dialable System Speed Dial numbers.

  1. 1701-01: # of SP Dials System: Speed Dial: Setup: Format (1701): Number of Dialable Speed Dials:
    The dialable number range can be one of the following:
    • 21-29 (9 numbers - option 1)
    • 201-299 (99 numbers - option 2)
    • 2001-2999 (999 numbers - option 3)
    Option Description
    1 9 system numbers (dialable numbers 21-29)
    2 [Default] 99 system numbers (dialable numbers 201-299).
    3 999 system numbers (dialable numbers 2001-2999).
  2. The number of numbers set in 1701-01: # of SP Dials System: Speed Dial: Setup: Format (1701): Number of Dialable Speed Dials: only affects the number of dialable bins. The system always has 999 System Speed Dial numbers that you can program and set up under System Speed Dial keys.

2. Set up System Speed Dial numbers from system programming.

  1. 1702-[001-999]: Select System Speed Dial number to Program [N/A]
    Use this option to select the number you want to program (001-999)
    By default, the dialable number range corresponds to the first 99 numbers (001-099).
    Option Description
    001-999 Select the number you want to program.
  2. 1702-[001-999]: System Speed Dial Type [System: Speed Dial: Setup: Assignment (1702): Type]
    For the selected bin, enter the number type (Intercom, Line, Line Group, or Extend).
    Option Description
    0 [Default] None.
    1 Intercom. (Go to step 5.)
    2 Line. (Go to step 3.)
    3 Line Group. (Go to step 4.)
    4 Extend (the second number in a chained number).
    5 [3.01] Prime (the number will be dialled on the extension's Prime Line).
  3. 1702-[001-999]: System Speed Dial Line [System: Speed Dial: Setup: Assignment (1702): Line/Group]
    For number type 2 only , enter the line on which the stored System Speed Dial number will dial.
    Option Description
    1-64 Lines 1-64. [Default] = line 1.
  4. 1702-[001-999]: System Speed Dial Line Group [System: Speed Dial: Setup: Assignment (1702): Line/Group]
    For number type 3 only , enter the Line Group on which the stored System Speed Dial number will dial.
    Option Description
    90-98 Line Groups 90-98. [Default] = group 90.
  5. 1702-[001-999]: System Speed Dial Number [System: Speed Dial: Setup: Assignment (1702): Number]
    Use this option to enter the Speed Dial number for the selected bin.
    • A Speed Dial digit longer than 16 digits automatically overflows into the next adjacent bin.
    Option Description
    Digits Digits using 0-9, # and * (16 max without overflowing into next adjacent bin). [Default] = no entry.
    Flash Press Feature Key 1.
    Wait Press Feature Key 2.
    Pause Press Feature Key 3.
  6. 1702-[001-999]: System Speed Dial Name [System: Speed Dial: Setup: Assignment (1702): Name]
    Use this option to enter the Speed Dial name (up to 18 characters).
    See Name Programming Chartfor more.
    Option Description
    Alphanumeric Alphanumeric characters (18 max.). [Default] = no entry.

3. Set up the extension options for System Speed Dial.

  1. 1401-01: Company Speed Dial Access [System: Class of Service: Features: Features (1401): System Speed Dial Access]
    Enable this option if the extension should be able to use System Speed Dial numbers.
    Option Description
    No (0) Disabled.
    Yes (1) [Default] Enabled.
  2. 2102-01: Class of Service [Stations: Config: Setup: Access (2102): Class of Service]
    Assign Class of Service to extensions.
    Option Description


    Class of Service level 1-15.
    [Default] for extension 300 = 1.
    [Default] for all other extensions = 2.

  3. 2102-04: User Programming Access Level [Stations: Config: Setup: Access (2102): Program Level]
    Extensions with User Programming Access Level 4 or 5 can store System Speed Dial numbers.
    Option Description
    1-5 Access levels 1-5. [Default] = 5 for 300, 3 for all other extensions.
  4. Programming Outside Line Type, Access, and Ringing
    Check the extension's line access options.
  5. Line Groups
    Check the extension's Line Group options.