When a Scheduled Backup does not complete successfully, the following event is recorded in the Event Viewer or the Scheduled Backups Summary.
warning 11/7/2008 10:19:59 PM CS5000 …
This warning description is recorded when the system database save completes successfully, but the voice data save does not complete successfully.
Scheduled backup for <session name> completed successfully only for the system database. The voice data backup failed: <reason>.
The following list shows various Voice Data Backup Failed reasons and troubleshooting tips:
“The Voice Data Path is empty.”
Possible Cause: There is a problem with the registry. The Voice Data Path cannot be empty to save voice data.
Corrective Action: Type the proper path in the Location tab.
“The Voice Data Path is invalid.”
Possible Cause: A character in the path is either invalid, does not exist, is not accessible, is read-only, or in use.
Corrective Action: Verify that the path is valid in Location Tab.
“The Voice Data Hostname is empty.”
Possible Cause: When saving voice data in PS-UVM, the host name must be included in the Voice Data Path.
Corrective Action: Type \\<host name>\<path> in the Path box in the Location Tab.
“The Voice Data Hostname is invalid.”
Possible Cause: A character in the host name is invalid, the host name cannot be found, or the host is not accessible or online.
Corrective Action: Verify that the host name is properly programmed in the Path box in the Location Tab, and that the indicated server is accessible and online
“The drive indicated in the Voice Data Path is not ready.”
Possible Cause: The storage media is missing from the drive or the drive is malfunctioning.
Corrective Action: Make sure the storage media is in place and that the drive is functioning properly.
Possible Cause: A floppy drive cannot be used for Scheduled Backups.
Corrective Action: Make sure the path points to a drive that can hold all of the data.
“A write error occurred when attempting to save voice data.”
Possible Cause: An exception occurred while writing to the media. There may be a problem with the server or drive.
Corrective Action: Resolve the problem if possible, and verify that you can write to the server/drive manually. If this problem persists, contact Technical Support.
“Voice data cannot be saved because the object specified in the Voice Data Path is in use.”
Possible Cause: The destination media is busy.
Corrective Action: Resolve the problem if possible, and verify that you can write to the server/drive manually. If this problem persists, contact Technical Support.
(Exception) <description>
This warning description is recorded whenever a Scheduled Backup is delayed due to too many simultaneous backup sessions.
Scheduled backup for <session name> has been delayed due to simultaneous sessions limit.
This warning description indicates that a Scheduled Backup has failed and the system will attempt a retry. The backup is logged as a warning until the last retry. If the last retry attempt fails, it will be logged as a failure.
Scheduled backup for <session name> failed, but a retry has been scheduled for HH:MM AM/PM. DETAILS: <error message>.
This warning description is recorded when a discrepancy is detected during a backup. A discrepancy could be something regarding extension conflicts in DB Programming, a hardware connection problem, etc. Monitor the Service Log to identify the problem.
Scheduled backup for <connection name> completed successfully, but warnings were recorded. DETAILS: See Service Log.
Scheduled Backup Is Not Yet Complete (displayed in the Scheduled Backups Summary only)
This warning description indicates that the scheduled backup is still in progress. It may also indicate that the computer rebooted during the backup and the backup failed to complete. This warning is recorded only in the Scheduled Backups Summary. If the computer reboots during a scheduled backup, this is the only warning indication. There is no event log posting, no e-mail is sent, and a retry is not scheduled.
The Scheduled Backup is not yet complete.
Related Topics:
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting