DB Programming logs all attempts to perform backups, as well as failure and success conditions, in a special Service Log. The Service Log provides a step by step indication of what occurred during the backup attempt. Each message box, question, error, warning, etc., is logged.
The following information describes how the Service Log is handled:
One Service Log is maintained separately for each session.
Scheduled Backup attempts for the session are logged sequentially in the Service Log file for that session.
The Service Log files are named according to the following syntax:
The Service Log files are stored under “sessions” in the install folder, in a subfolder named for the session. For example:
C:\Program Files\Mitel\5000\sessions\<connection name>
Each entry in the log is date/time stamped.
Each backup attempt includes a header to clearly delineate it from the other backup attempts.
When the Service Log reaches the maximum file size programmed on the Backups tab in the Options menu, the file is backed up. Entries are logged to the active Service Log file until it reaches the maximum file size. As soon as that is reached, a new empty Service Log file is created and further changes are logged in the newly active file. The maximum number of files is used to determine how many backups to maintain. If creating the new active log file would cause the maximum number of files to be exceeded, before it is created, the oldest Service Log file is deleted.