Opening Recent DB Programming Backups

Using the Recent backups menu option, you can open DB Programming for databases backed up using the Scheduled Backups feature for the active connection.

To open a backup database:

  1. Click System management tools, and then select Recent backups for <connection name>. Database backups stored in the programmed backup folder appear in a list. The backups are displayed by date with the most recent at the top of the list.


  1. Select the backup date to open DB Programming for that backup database. A name generated from the backup date: “<connection name> m-d-yy” appears in the status bar at the bottom of the DB Programming window and in the Windows taskbar icon for the DB Programming application instance. If the name is already in use by a recent offline session, “-x” is appended to the name, where x is the first available number, beginning with 1.

The System Administration & Diagnostics application opens a new offline session each time; that is, if you click once to open DB Programming for a backup and while that session is active, click again on the same backup, the system prompts you to determine if you want to go to the previously opened session or open a new session for the database.

If you open DB Programming for a backup, and you complete and save the session as an offline session, and then you later click again on the same backup, you will be prompted to determine if you want to go to the previously saved session or open a new session for the database. (See Saving Offline Sessions to learn about saving a session.)

Keep the following considerations in mind:

To see more recent backups, if they exist, do one of the following:

  1. o      Click More backups.

    o      Click System management tools or right-click the System Connection drop-down list, and then select Manage backups for <connection name> (see Managing DB Programming Backups).


To change the maximum number of recent backups listed:

See Recently used menu items for details.