Importing Settings

You can import settings previously exported from the System Administration & Diagnostics application or from earlier version of Session Manager used for pre-v4.0 systems.

To import settings:

  1. Click setup_button.gif (Setup) in the main window, and then select Import settings.

  2. When the Import Settings wizard appears, click Browse.

  3. When the Open dialog box appears, select the file you want to import, and then click Open. The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\My Documents\5000CP\<connection name>. The available file types are:

  1. Click Next.

  2. In the next page of the wizard, the System Administration & Diagnostics application shows settings that you can import. If the settings are not available, the check box is disabled and the explanation appears below as to why it is disabled. Select the types of settings that you want to import, and then click Next.

The pages that follow depend on the selections. Only those pages selected appear. Click Next to advance through the pages, Back to review previous pages, or Cancel to exit the wizard. You cannot click Next if no selection is made. The presentation and operation of each page is explained below.

  1. System Connections: If you select the System Connections check box, a screen appears prompting you to select system connections to import. One grid shows the new system connections from the import file, and another grid shows existing system connections, determined by the connection name. All connection names are selected by default.

  2. Network Group information: If you choose to import the “Network Group information,” the import wizard prompts you to select the groups and their associated network layouts that you want to import. Select or clear the system connection check boxes, and then click Next. If you choose not to import the grouping information, the group data is cleared from the connections being imported.

If there is an existing group with the same name as a group being imported, the two groups are merged to avoid duplicate groups.

  1. Clear the check boxes for the settings that you do not want to import. Existing system connections will be overwritten if selected.

If any system connections have Remote Configuration setup and Remote Configuration is not installed, a warning messaging appears indicating that the system connections will be invalid until either Remote Configuration is installed or the settings are corrected.

 NOTE: If connections are to be imported from a file exported by Session Manager in pre-v4.0 DB Programming, if any Modem connections are included, the telephone number to be dialed for each modem connection is not imported. Those telephone numbers are saved in the phone book on the computer, not in the export sessions file. Therefore, if you are planning to import modem connections in this way, you must record the phone numbers separately and enter them manually after the import is complete. Keep in mind, however, that when session information is imported from the registry, phone numbers are available, because the connections reside on the same computer. Also, settings files exported from the System Administration & Diagnostics application include the Modem connection phone numbers.

  1. Advanced Settings: If the Advanced Settings check box is selected, a screen appears prompting you to select the advanced settings to import. All check boxes are selected by default. The values of the current advanced settings are displayed in addition to the values of the advanced settings from the import file. Select or clear the check boxes, and then click Next.

  2. In the next page of the wizard, a summary of the selected system connections and advanced settings appear, showing which items will be saved. Click Next. The selected system connections and advanced settings are saved to System Administration & Diagnostics.

  3. In the last page of the wizard, the result of the import and the number of system connections and advanced settings that were saved appear. Click Finish.




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