
Whenever attempted backups fail or the last retry attempt fails, the following event is recorded in the Event Viewer or the Scheduled Backups Summary.

Error  11/7/2008 10:19:59 PM     CS5000  …


Scheduled backup for <session name> failed: <reason>.


The following list shows various Error/Failure reasons and troubleshooting tips:

“No version of database programming is installed that will operate with this database.”

“Unable to run the requested task. Service mode is not supported by version <version>.”

“Unable to set timer. All timer resources may be in use.”

“Unable to save all session information to registry.”

“Unable to read version data from registry.”

“Unable to run DB Programming.exe.”

“Unable to use session description for modem data entry. Invalid characters include (“”.””.””, “”<“”, “”>””>””, “”|””|””, “”/””/””, “”\\””\\””, “”:””:””, “”?””?””, “”*””*””,)”

“There is insufficient disk space available to perform this operation. At least <x> bytes must be free before this operation can be performed.”

“Unable to find any installed versions of database programming.”

“Unable to locate the empty database.”

“Unable to locate the database file.”

“Unable to copy empty database for remote session. The disk may be full or the remote directory path may be invalid.”

“Unable to copy database schema. The disk may be full, the file may be locked, or the local directory path may be invalid.”

“Unable to locate the database schema file.”

“Unable to locate session information for <session name>.”

“Could not write file to <path>.”

“Archive of database file to <path> failed.”

“Could not open file <path>.”

“The Save system database to folder plus filename is too long. The limit for the length is 60 characters.”

“Could not write to or remove file <path>. (Exception = <description>)”

“Could not initiate the session due to not enough memory.”

“Unable to read database path from registry.”

“Unable to read session path from registry.”

“Unable to update startup data in registry.”

“Unable to read session data from registry.”

“Unrecognized product type and/or version in database. Contact Technical Support.”

“Unable to locate the language database <path>.”

“Unable to locate the flavor database <path>.”

“Needed Voice Processor information is missing from the database. Restore the last saved database, or use DBTest to repair this database. You may need to Contact Technical Support.”

“The CP node for the connection has been programmed to have a Voice Processor attached. The connection to the Voice Processor has failed. This must be resolved before this service mode task can complete successfully.”

“You are attempting to connect with a system that is not a 5000 CP product. To connect with this system, please use the appropriate Session Manager.”

“Unable to locate the session database.”

(Exception) <description>




Related Topics:

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting